Complex Jacques Veltmanstraat
DUWO offers 419 student residences on the Jacques Veltmanstraat in Amsterdam. This housing is affordable for both younger and older students. DUWO delivered the complex at the end of summer 2016. The student complex is located next to the tram and metro station Heemstedestraat. It consists of two buildings, one of four and the other of seven floors, placed in a U-shape around an inner area. Part of the residences (63) are two-room apartments, the rest are studios.
There is a residents’ committe active on the Jacques Veltmanstraat. Do you want to contribute to a safe and social environment for the residents in your neighbourhood? Sign up now to join the Residents Committee
Street: Jacques Veltmanstraat
ZIP codes: 1065 DZ, 1065DZ
City: Amsterdam
Marith Lengkeek
Nina de Moor
Milan van Oosten
Thomas Mohammad